
    salut! ça va ?

    i Hola ! Come estas?

    hey ! how are u guys?

    do you know who's this girl? she seems so beautiful :p

    anyway... tomorrow is my best friend's birthday..she's going to turn 17 !

    so i decided to surprise her...

    i asked her to come to the library  just to talk or to read some books together but in

    the matter of fact i'm going to play a happy birthday song ...hug her and give her a gift.. i

    thought about the gift alot...but nothing crossed my mind...i don't want to give her a

    perfum  cause EVERYBODY buys it as a gift for ANYONE's birthday..that means that you

    don't even know the person so you don't know what  to give him

    ...you know what i mean?! ..my special friend likes drangons;necklaces and shit so i think i'm

    going to gift her one or two ;) 


    so i'm going to play this song for her since she likes metal music (we both do)


    what do you think guys?




    this article was created on 27/12/2012






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